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Understanding Developmental Milestones for Your Toddlers

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Early Childhood Development

What Are Developmental Milestones for Toddlers and How to Support Your Child

From the age of one to three, your little one has several developmental milestones. These developmental milestones for toddlers often depend on their age. During this phase of their lives, they gradually start showing independence in the areas of speaking, walking, running, and playing around, to name a few. They begin to recognize themselves in the mirror and enjoy playing games like peek-a-boo, kicking a ball, sorting blocks of different shapes, and many others. Therefore, as supporting parents, it is our responsibility to create beautiful opportunities for our toddlers’ cognitive development. Enrolling our toddlers in an engaging and enjoyable early childhood education program like Mom & I, from the House of Mother’s Pride, is a great way to support your child in their developing years.

Do you know that 80% of the brain develops by the age of 3!

A research by the renowned Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential, Michigan, shares that 80% of a child’s brain is developed by the time they turn 3. This implies that the decisions you make today for your toddler’s early education will play a big role in your toddler’s future success. Your child’s brain starts to develop language skills, reasoning ability, thinking potential, and memory. By the age of three, your toddler would start learning from their surroundings. They would begin imitating the behavior of people around them, and even start having their preferences in certain things.

The Road to Growth: Developmental Milestones for Toddlers Explained

Your toddler in their growing years would be booming with energy, curiosity, joy, and playful mischief. With each age group in their toddler years, they would be unlocking different achievements. Here is a parental guide for you, explaining the developmental milestones within the age group of 1 to 3 years. Furthermore, there are also insights on how you can support your child in this wonderful phase of life.

  • Physical Milestones
    You would be elated to know that by the age of 1 to 1.5 years, your child would start walking independently. Moreover, there would also be enhancement of fine motor skills in this age group. The toddlers would also be able to use their hands to feed themselves and start balancing themselves while walking.
    By the age bracket of 18 to 24 months, your toddler would be able to begin running around and jumping. Their coordination skills would start improving. Your kids at this age would also enjoy holding crayons and scribbling with them.
    Furthermore, in the age group of 24 to 36 months, more milestone moments would light up your world. Your toddler would start climbing furniture and stairs. The toddler would be able to kick the ball with a much better sense of direction. Most of the toddlers in this age segment show developmental milestones by effectively holding pencils to draw a specific shape. And by the age of three, they also manage to ride a tricycle! It enhances coordination and balance, which is essential for everyday tasks.

    How to initiate supporting your toddler:
    As enthusiastic parents of toddlers, you can support your lovely toddlers by encouraging them to take part in activities that involve movement. These consist of running in open spaces, playing with balls, playing with toys that help in hand-eye coordination, and even enrolling in knowledge-based toddler programs that take care of your child’s physical development.
  • Cognitive Milestones
    These are developmental milestones for your toddlers that showcase their problem-solving abilities and mental growth. During the stage of 12 to 18 months, your child would start getting a clearer understanding of the nearby objects. From holding a spoon to eat food to remembering the position of their bed, your toddler’s cognitive abilities will grow exponentially.
    By the age of 18 to 24 months, toddlers reflect early signs of curiosity. They become attracted towards buttons that can be pressed and become surprised when they see the results. During this time, one of their cognitive developmental milestones is being able to identify shapes and colors.
    Additionally, between the age of 2 to 3 years, a new improvement would be seen. Your kid would start enjoying the activity of pretend play. They would also gradually start understanding the concept of time in simple contexts. For example, when they ask for chocolate and you reply “Not now, after food”, they would understand what you mean.

    How to ensure that you support your toddler:
    As supportive parents, you can provide a boost to your child’s cognitive development by playing interactive games like hide-and-seek with them. You can also provide toys and books that encourage your toddlers to use logical thinking.
  • Social and Emotional Milestones
    One of the ways to witness a social developmental milestone is when you see that your toddler of age 1 starts to feel comfortable in your presence. Furthermore, your toddler would like to be in the company of familiar faces.
    You may find that in the age group of 1.5 to 2 years, your toddler begins to feel slightly cranky and jealous when you pamper another child in front of them. Your toddler would also showcase happiness when appreciated. At this phase, your little one will also understand the concept of sharing when introduced to them.
    Furthermore, the social and emotional developmental milestones by the age of 2 to 3 years would be seen in the form of friendships that your toddler makes. At this age, they would be able to express their feelings through words and actions.

    How to go ahead with supporting your toddler:
    You can choose to enroll your child in a Mother-Toddler Program such as Mom & I, by Mother’s Pride. This would provide holistic development for your toddler. You are also encouraged to acknowledge your dear toddler’s feelings and help them in understanding of their emotions.
  • Language Milestones
    Developmental milestones for toddlers are depicted in the form of an improvement in their communication skills. This is the time when your kid would finally begin to say the words that your ears are waiting desperately to hear. Yes! Your kid would be able to speak ‘mumma’ or ‘papa’! This can be noticed when your sweet little toddler comes in the age group of 1 to 1.5 years. Your toddler in this phase would also begin to point out things or people to get your attention.
    By the age of 18 to 24 months, their language proficiency would increase. Your little one would be able to speak two-word sentences such as ‘mum-mum’ (for water) or would ask for milk. It is a great time for their language-building ability as they would grasp new words very effectively.
    From the age of 2 to 3 years, your toddler would feel confident in speaking short sentences with 3-4 words. Adding to it, your toddler would also start enjoying the activity of singing songs and rhymes.

    Ways to support your toddler:
    One of the ways through which you can support your toddler in this aspect is by talking to them often. You can make it a habit to read books with them. Moreover, you are recommended to encourage your kids to repeat newly learned words. You can also send them to an early childhood education program, designed especially by child psychologists. The activities in the program would help your child expand their existing vocabulary.
  • Independence and Self-Care
    As your toddlers would grow, they would become more self-reliant in different aspects. You will notice that your child, between the age of 12 to 18 months has begun the attempt to eat food by themselves and is trying to help you when you dress them up.
    By the age of 18 to 24 months, you can witness developmental milestones as your toddler begins washing their hands, brushing their teeth, and is trying to understand potty training when taught by you.
    When your child enters the age bracket of 24 to 36 months, they showcase independence in basic activities such as dressing up and using the toilet themselves without any assistance.

    Tips to support your toddler
    To provide aid in accelerating the developmental milestones of toddlers, you can encourage your child to participate in everyday tasks. You can motivate them to try out the task independently. You are also advised to appreciate the child wholeheartedly when they complete their tasks, to build their confidence.

The most joyous period of your child’s life brings with itself a huge scope for their development. Thus, ensure that the developmental milestones of your toddler are in alignment with your child’s potential. The doors of early childhood education programs such as the Toddler Program are always open for you to let your child grow leaps and bounds in their toddler years.

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