There's something so delightful about a good chuckle, especially when the jokes are on the most unlikely buddies in the animal kingdom: elephants and ants. Their size difference sets the stage for some of the funniest jokes that kids would just adore! So grab the little ones and enjoy a laugh with these ant and elephant jokes for kids!

These short ant and elephant jokes never fail to amuse! One animal is very strong while the other is tiny and very fast. Given the vast difference in size, there's an endless scope for humor. So get ready for an adventure of laughter as we plunge headlong into the realm of elephant and ant jokes. They are sure to bring a big smile to your and your kid’s face!
Why Are Jokes on Elephants and Ants So Funny?
The comparison between elephants and ants couldn't be more humorous, simply because the two can't be more different from each other. The vast difference in their size, strength, habits, and basic nature ends up setting up such ideal positions for humor. Be it in the perspective of friendship, teamwork, or just a silly situation, all of these Haathi Cheeti jokes are delightful and an inherent source of joy regardless of whether you are an adult or a kid. The best part is that they are sweet and cool, and leave every listener chuckling!
The Most Humorous Jokes about Elephants and Ants
Let's start with some of the funniest elephant and ant jokes. You can narrate them to your kids with lots of exaggerated expressions for some real giggles! Moreover, you can also make joke-nights a part of your daily routine for spending quality time with your kids.
1. An ant asked an elephant what sport they should play.
The elephant gave a one-word reply: "Squash!".
2. How do elephants communicate among themselves?
With an Ele-phone!

3. What did the baby elephant want for his birthday?
A trunk full of gifts!
4. What’s as big as an elephant but weighs nothing?
The elephant’s shadow.
5. An elephant ran into his friend, ‘the ant’ while escaping hunters. Desperate, he asked for advice.
“Don’t worry,” said the ant. “Just hide behind me!”
6. What do you call an elephant who is always laughing?
An “El-laugh-ant”!
7. What time is it when an elephant sits on your sofa?
Time to get a new sofa!
8. An ant was riding a scooter when his elephant friend asked for a lift. The ant agreed. Later, another elephant asked for a ride, but the ant refused. Why?
“Traffic rules say only two people can ride on a bike!” explained the ant.
9. What did Mommy Elephant say when her child misbehaved?
“Tusk, tusk!”
10. What did the banana say to the elephant?
Nothing—bananas can’t talk!
11. What ant is bigger than an elephant?
A “gi-ant”!
12. How do you know an elephant is under your bed?
Your nose touches the ceiling!
13. Why do elephants not use computers?
They are afraid of the mouse!

14. An ant and an elephant were playing hide-and-seek. The ant found the elephant easily. Why?
The elephant hid in a temple but left his shoes outside!
15. What animal is always ready for an adventure?
The elephant, because it always carries a trunk!
Why do kids love jokes?
Jokes such as ant and elephant jokes in English are a medium for fun and help children develop cognitive skills such as creativity, communication, and social inclusion. Similarly, when children tell jokes, they develop critical thinking and some self-expressive playing skills. Besides, laughter is one of the best stress busters to give relief to all!
Fun facts about elephants and ants
If the ant and elephant jokes shared above result in loads of laughs and giggles, then these fun facts about elephants and ants will surely entertain you too!
Did you know:
- Elephants are the biggest land animals existing on Earth.
- They use their trunks for eating, drinking, and sometimes even showering.
- Elephants are known for their good memories and strong family ties.
- Ants can carry objects 50 times their own weight.
- They live in huge colonies together with other ants, a few thousand to a few million, that cooperate as a single unit.
- Ants send signals to one another through chemical substances called pheromones.
Moral Story - ‘The Elephant and the Ant’

Once upon a time, there was a mighty elephant in the jungle, who was so proud of its size that no one could touch him. He, thus, used to bully every other living creature in the jungle. One day, a family of ants was passing by. The elephant saw them and threw water over them with its trunk. A small ant questioned him on why he was doing that; he told him to shut his mouth and threatened to crush his whole family!
That night, the ant climbed into the elephant's trunk and started biting. The ant bit until the elephant was so uncomfortable that he screamed in pain. When the elephant cried, the ant came out of the trunk on the condition that he would never again bully any other beast. The elephant really agreed not to bully anyone else again. Thus, the little ant taught the great elephant a valuable lesson in life: Never underestimate anyone, including yourself.
Jokes about elephants and ants are an effective way of spreading laughter into our days. Similarly, we at Mom & I, believe in making each moment enjoyable for both the toddler and the mother through fun-filled activities. After all, we all need a bit of humor and a whole lot of joy, to make our day an amazing one! Connect with us to make your child’s days full of laughter and joy!
Wrapping Up
Frequently Asked Questions
Elephants are afraid of bees.
A famous quote about elephants is, “An elephant can shake the earth with its trumpet, but it cannot shake the ants' self-possession of it.” It means that although elephants may be huge and strong, they cannot disturb the ants’ peaceful mind. Therefore, calmness with teamwork could overcome even the greatest challenges.
Around 4 months is the age when children usually start to laugh; however, remember each child develops at their own pace. If, at 4 months, your infant hasn't laughed yet, it's totally acceptable!
From their childhood, kids have begun developing a sense of humor. Humor is different for every child but most preschoolers laugh at what seems silly. Preschoolers think it is extremely funny when something goes wrong, as they are learning about how things are supposed to be.
Create happy times with your little one by using silly words that could set them off in giggles, giving their tummies a little tickle, or make use of simple funny jokes. Play games like Freeze Dance; change the ordinary routines for silly surprises; catch that comical cartoon together, or pull a harmless prank by hiding their favorite toy for a mini-adventure!