Important Baby Care Tips for New Parents to Handle Their Newborns

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Parenting is a beautiful journey. As new parents you might be experiencing emotions that you have never felt before. The calm smile of your newborn when you sing them a lullaby, the cooing of your newborn when they hold your finger with their tiny hand, and the ease with which they sleep, as soon as you rock them a little in your arms; all of these actions and more, make you feel appreciative of the deep bond that you share with your kid.

However, it is necessary to know that newborns depend completely on their parents or guardians for healthy living. They are not aware of their needs and are unable to communicate at this stage of their lives. Additionally, new parents also feel puzzled at times, when they see their little baby crying in the middle of the night, not consuming food and spitting it out, or simply not in their best mood. At these times, baby tips or parenting tips for new parents are extremely helpful. These tips have been tried and tested over the years by people all around the world. Therefore, to ease your parenting journey, you can go through the following baby care tips.

Baby Care Tips for New Moms & Dads:

If you ever wonder about ‘How to handle a newborn baby?’, then here are a bunch of helpful parenting tips for new parents:

How to hold your newborn baby with care

A newborn is as delicate as cotton. Therefore, it’s natural to feel nervous while holding your newborn. Here are some tips on how to handle a newborn baby:

  • Support the head:
    Newborns have soft muscles, especially in the neck area. Hence, you need to make sure to always cradle their head. This will give them the comfort of a soft pillow.
  • Establish skin contact:
    Hugging and snuggling your baby often and maintaining skin-to-skin contact will relax the baby. Your newborn would stay warm and it would help in their breathing also.

Soon you will feel comfortable holding your baby and would gradually become an expert in handling your newborn with care.

Feeding and Burping: Finding Your Groove

Feeding is one of those things that everyone has opinions on. But do you end up worrying about the best way to approach it? Well, the answer is- just go with what works for you and your baby.
Moreover, as your child becomes a toddler, they will become more expressive, which would make things easier for you. And for more help, the 8 Best Parenting Tips for Parents to Raise Their Toddlers would surely help you.
Here are some baby tips on feeding and burping.

  • Follow their lead:
    It has been observed that newborns often eat every 2-3 hours. Therefore, as advice to new parents, watch for little hunger cues. These cues can be gestures like smacking lips or sucking on their hands.
  • Burp gently:
    After a feed, a few pats on their back can help relieve any trapped air. It’s a simple way to help them stay comfortable, just like we feel better after a stretch.

Over time, this will just feel natural, and you’ll both settle into a nice rhythm of feeding and burping.

Effective Tips for Diaper Changing

Changing diapers is a big part of parenting a newborn. While it is one of the basic tasks, it requires your constant attention. The good part is that it is not as hard as it may seem. Therefore, by taking into consideration some key points, you can handle this aspect of parenting with great ease

  • Change the diaper frequently:
    Diapers should ideally be changed after every 2-3 hours. Moreover, since the baby’s skin is very sensitive, use diapers that are soft and cloth-like.
  • Use doctor-recommended diaper cream:
    Whenever you see a little bit of redness or rashes in the bum area, use a cream recommended by doctors to apply there. Moreover, if possible try to keep your child diaper-free for a few minutes so that their skin down there, gets in some contact with air too.

Gradually, you will become a pro in the task of diaper changing.

Getting into a Basic Sleep Routine

A quality sleep is equally important for both, you and your newborn. While you may heard numerous advises related to sleep such as “Do take a sleep when the baby sleeps” or “Always make the baby sleep in their cot”, and many others, it is advisable to understand that you must follow the idea that works best for you and your newborn. To help you out, here are some parenting tips for infants related to a quality sleep pattern:

  • Keep a calm and simple night time routine:
    A great way to relax your baby and put them to sleep is by singing a soothing lullaby, or giving them a gentle rub on the back. You can also rock them a little in your arms.
  • Dim the lights:
    You can dim the lights of the room to create a calming atmosphere. Also, as irresistible it may be, avoid playing with your baby at this time. Gradually the child will that it is time to sleep.

Establishing a simple night time routine will help you and your child get a good and comfy sleep. Moreover, do not hesitate taking help from your partner or any trusted person when you feel the need.
If you are parenting a toddler, you can enroll your child in our engaging Mother-Toddler program
Connect with us today!

Try to comprehend baby cries

Infants usually communicate through crying. In the beginning, you may find it hard to comprehend that the cries are for sleep, food, they have pooped, or the clothes are feeling uncomfortable. But gradually, as you will evolve as a mom, your undertsanding of your child’s cries will enhance.

  • Look for patterns:
    There may be times when your child cries and you notice that, “yes it has been 2-3 hours since my child was fed, so maybe this is a call for feeding”, there is a high possibility that your child stops crying as soon as you begin feeding them. This way, by noticing patterns and linking up previous activities, you can understand the reason behind the baby-cries.
  • Take it slow and steady:
    It is natural to feel doubtful and confused at times. However, remember that if you just keep a check on the basic needs of your newborn with consistency and care, then slowly you will figure out what the child is trying to convey to you.

After all, each baby-cry is teaching you a bit more about the likes and dislikes of your child, thus making you come a lot more closer to them.

Bathing: Keeping It Simple

Giving bath to your newborn is an easy task. A quick, gentle routine is often all they need.

  • Stick to Sponge Baths:
    Until the umbilical cord heals, a soft cloth with warm water is all you need. No need to worry about a full bath yet.
  • Quick and Cozy:
    Babies get cold fast, so try to keep bath time short. Wrap them up in a warm towel afterward to make them feel safe.

Bath time can be a calm, sweet moment for both of you. Talk to them, sing a little—babies love it!

Remembering Self-Care

Taking time for yourself is as important as taking care of the baby. It will help you relax, recharge, and retrospect on your parenting journey.

  • Grab Little Naps:
    Even short rests can help. Take a nap when your baby naps, if you can.
  • Accept Help:
    Let family or friends lend a hand if they offer. Even a little break can make a big difference in a positive way.

Undoubtedly, caring for your mental, physical, social and emotional health would help you a lot in the long run.

Build Connection by Talking to your Baby

Your newborn may seem indifferent to what is happening around, but they are absorbing everything, especially your voice. Therefore, talking to them often makes a huge impact in your bonding with your infant.

  • Talk to your baby:
    Keep talking to your child about the activities you are doing even if you feel they are not understanding what you are saying. For example, “Let’s go for a walk” or “Aha! It’s food time!”. Remember that your voice is soothing to them and it helps in developing your deep connection.
  • Gentle Touch:
    Light touches and little massages are soothing. They love knowing you’re there, and it’s all part of bonding.

These gestures help your baby feel safe and relaxed.

Growth Spurts bring Uncertainty

There may be times when you notice that your baby’s height and weight increase suddenly. These are natural circumstances, but they may bring with themselves a change in the usual patterns of your child.

  • Let them eat more:
    During growth spurts, they may want to eat more often. Just follow their lead.
  • Give your child extra comfort:
    A generous dose of cuddles and hugs will relax your child during the periods of growth spurts.

Growth spurts would bring with themselves a slight change in the physical and emotional characteristics of your kid. Therefore, as an advise to new parents, there is nothing to worry as it is a natural part of growing up.

Parenting a newborn is an amazing experience. With the right baby tips for parenting the child, you will become equipped with the knowledge required for effective parenting. Remember that each child is different, therefore each parent’s parenting journey and challenges will be different too.
